Name Course Admission Graduation
Nakibira Deborah Master of Business Administration 2014 2016
Obua Jasper Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2013 2017
Ssemakula Richard Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2013 2017
Mukholi Christopher Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2014 2017
Bwambale Elisha Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2013 2017
Namugura Shifura Bachelor of Science in Financial Mathematics 2012 2017
Baguma David Master of Business Administration 2014 2016
Kansiime Justus Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2013 2017
Ntambaadi Paul Bachelor of Agriculture 2013 2017
Mucunguzi Dominic Banaga Master of Business Administration 2014 2016
Kakanga George Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2013 2017
Byarugaba Alphonce Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2013 2017
Gumaoshabe Innocent Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2013 2017
Laker Florence Master of Public Health Population and Reproductive Health 2014 2016
Milla Amos Peter Master of Arts in Local Governance and Human Rights 2013 2017
Bandale Matthew Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2013 2017
Mwidu George Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2014 2016
Alum Betty Joan Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2013 2017
Nuwagaba Aggrey Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2013 2017
Baguma Stephen Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2013 2017
Luwazagga Noah Sunday Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2014 2016
Ssebamakitta Ratifu Bachelor of Science in Computer Science 2014 2016
Kembabazi Brendah Bachelor of Arts in Ethics and Development Studies 2013 2016
Mutesi Zalo Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2013 2017
Nanteza Harriet Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2013 2016
Kazungu Immaculate Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2012 2017
Mugumya Denis Diploma in Computer Science and Information Technology 2014 2017
Kalibbala Samuel Bachelor of Social Development and Counselling 2013 2017
Naluyima Judith Olivia Master of Public Health Health Promotion 2014 2017
Muggale Dorah Lukanga Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2013 2016

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