Name Course Admission Graduation
Abaho Nazario Diploma in Primary Education 2015 2018
Kusiima Penlope Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2015 2018
Lubega Jawadu Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2015 2018
Ariho Nicholas Diploma in Education (Primary) 2015 2018
Nabukenya Suzan Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2015 2018
Tugume David Diploma in Education (Primary) 2015 2018
Orishaba Moreen Diploma in Education (Primary) 2015 2018
Kiyimba James Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2015 2018
Amuda Julius Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2015 2018
Mwanga Uless Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2014 2018
Aurut Francis Bachelor of Arts with Education (Secondary) 2015 2018
Ssebina Peter Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2015 2018
Musoke Peter Paul Bachelor of Science in Information Technology 2015 2018
Hirya Musa Rajab Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2015 2018
Matanda Yekoyasi Masaya Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2015 2018
Turihiho Jack Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2014 2018
Awajobo Jackson Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2013 2018
Tushabe Anabel Cynthia Bachelor of Science in Information Technology 2013 2018
Ocaka Stephen Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2014 2018
Kiyai Stella Mary Diploma in Democracy and Development Studies 2015 2018
Tulyatunga Gabriel Lucky Bachelor of Science in Ecological Organic Agriculture 2013 2018
Nakabiito Sharitah Bachelor of Arts with Education (Secondary) 2015 2018
Mutonyi Christine Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2015 2018
Kabughu Mujungu Jackline Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2015 2018
Nabakka Doreen Bachelor of Arts with Education (Secondary) 2015 2018
Chemonges Daniel Diploma in Computer Science and Information Technology 2016 2018
Sabano Annet Diploma in Computer Science and Information Technology 2016 2018
Alungat Ketula Diploma in Computer Science and Information Technology 2016 2018
Nabwami Kalijja Diploma in Computer Science and Information Technology 2016 2018
Lulinga Jamilu Diploma in Computer Science and Information Technology 2016 2018

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