Name Course Admission Graduation
Tamale Mark Master of Business Administration 2016 2020
Mutali Joshua Master of Business Administration 2017 2020
Katamba John Baptist Master of Business Administration 2015 2020
Kibiina Edris Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2017 2020
Natoolo Annet Master of Business Administration 2016 2020
Wandera Mike Master of Science in Ict Management, Policy and Architectural Design 2013 2020
Muhinda Aaron Akure Master of Science in Ict Management, Policy and Architectural Design 2017 2020
Nkugwa Fred Bachelor of Science in Information Technology 2017 2020
Lomilo Damian Bachelor of Science in Information Technology 2017 2020
Ahebwamukama Irene Diploma in Computer Science and Information Technology 2018 2020
Mubiru Vincent Bachelor of Social Work and Social Administration 2017 2020
Lubowa Mary Master of Arts in Development Studies 2015 2020
Lutakome Thadius Master of Arts in Education and Development 2015 2020
Mukunzi Innocent Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2013 2020
Kayagi Sarah Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2017 2019
Ayella Christopher Advanced Diploma in Health Promotion and Education 2004 2005
Kagolo Sarah Master of Arts in Education and Development 2014 2020
Lugalambi Henry Master of Education Administration and Management 2017 2020
Sekamatte Livingstone Master of Education Administration and Management 2017 2020
Namale Sharifah Diploma in Education (Primary) 2017 2020
Kyategeka Robinson Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2015 2020
Wol Piol Machar Wol Bachelor of Arts in Local Governance and Human Rights 2016 2020
Luswata Joseph Master of Arts in Education and Development 2016 2020
Mawemuko Sanyu Christine Entreprenuership for Impact Master of Business Administration 2016 2020
Kanyerere Lydia Master of Arts in Education and Development 2017 2020
Ruterana Ingrid Milisa Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2017 2020
Nanshede Dorothy Masters Public Health Reproductive Health 2014 2020
Atwiine Davis Master of Science in Ict Management, Policy and Architectural Design 2017 2020
Ocak Walter Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2017 2020
Babirye Florence Master of Education Administration and Management 2017 2020

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