Name Course Admission Graduation
Wanzunula Emmanuel Bachelor of Science Organic Agriculture 2013 2017
Enon Alex Bachelor of Arts in Microfinance and Community Development 2014 2016
Wacha Joseph Bachelor of Arts in Local Governance and Human Rights 2011 2016
Wamimbi Denis Master of Refugee and Migration Studies 2014 2017
Nambe Isaac Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2012 2016
Naluwugge Prossy Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2018 2021
Sebugere Robert Master of Business Administration 2012 2016
Akullo Ritah Master of Science in Information Systems 2012 2017
Ngango Matthew Bsc in Environmental Design 2011 2016
Asasira Melvin Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2013 2016
Okadeapao Patrick Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2016 2019
Nyeiteera Judith Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2013 2016
Kemigisha Lilian Master of Science in Information Systems 2014 2017
Namubiru Haawa Shafi Bachelor of Arts in Local Governance and Human Rights 2012 2016
Tukume Amoru Master of Business Administration 2014 2016
Namagembe Annet Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2013 2016
Assimwe Kirabo Mary Liz Master of Business Administration 2013 2016
Achieng Lucy Master of Arts in Development Studies 2011 2014
Mujoona Henry Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2016 2016
Nalwoga Caroline Bachelor of Science in Financial Mathematics 2012 2016
Kabarwani Angella Master of Science in Information Systems 2014 2017
Namuli Margaret Certificate in Agriculture 2012 2016
Mujuni Jeremy Master of Science in Information Systems 2014 2017
Niwagaba Joshua Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2012 2016
Alinda Phionah Bachelor of Science in Information Technology 2013 2016
Adoa Hellen Master of Arts in Local Governance and Human Rights 2013 2017
Mbawa Justine Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2013 2017
Ainomugisha Happy Master of Arts in Local Governance and Human Rights 2013 2017
Nansubuga Aisha Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2013 2016
Namugabwe Florence Diploma in Education (Primary) 2013 2016

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