Name Course Admission Graduation
Lunyolo Florence Master of Business Administration 2013 2017
Byamugisha Ezrah Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2018 2021
Kagugube Isaiah Diploma in Education (Primary) 2014 2017
Nantale Jesca Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2018 2021
Ngabirano Moses Bachelor of Agriculture 2013 2017
Bako Lumago Grace Master of Arts in Development Studies 2017 2021
Namara Winnie Master of Education Administration and Management 2016 2019
Manday Robert Diploma in Primary Education 2006 2011
Kiyimba Tibulisio Bachelor of Science in Information Technology 2017 2021
Ssebuyira Edward Master of Arts in Development Studies 2014 2017
Kayongo William Master of Business Administration 2016 2021
Karuhanga Egidius Master of Business Administration 2013 2017
Nabuuma Giripiina Diploma in Education (Primary) 2014 2017
Mirembe Nancy Bachelor of Science in Public Health 2018 2021
Mungucia Scovia Eyoga Master of Arts in Human Rights 2016 2019
Namugerwa Teddy Bachelor of Agriculture 2014 2017
Aliga Caroline Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2015 2019
Ayesiza Juliet Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2018 2021
Binobusigye Yowasi Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2015 2019
Kansiime Agnens Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2018 2021
Maigale Samuel Master of Arts in Development Studies 2013 2017
Namuyimbwa Hasara Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2018 2021
Wabuge Moses Wabusa G Master of Business Administration 2014 2017
Amwesiga Reagan Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2018 2021
Kusiima Jackline Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2017 2021
Yorangba Rosetta Bachelor of Social Development and Counselling 2016 2019
Kavuma Ronald Nmthan Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2012 2015
Kilande Esther Joan Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2017 2021
Karuyonga Angella Master of Business Administration 2014 2017
Mucyo Susan Master of Business Administration 2016 2021

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