Name Course Admission Graduation
Mukwaya Edmund Bachelor of Science in Information Technology 2018 2022
Opok Kizito Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2018 2022
Mwebesa Roland Mugumya Masters of Science in Agro Ecology 2017 2022
Muganda Daniel Master of Science in Monitoring and Evaluation 2018 2022
Katende Emmanuel Master of Science in Monitoring and Evaluation 2018 2022
Ssentamu Robert Master of Science in Monitoring and Evaluation 2018 2022
Mulumba Mathias Bachelor of Science with Education (Secondary) 2018 2022
Nakimbejja Lilian Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2018 2022
Kalibbala Umaru Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2017 2022
Namale Rosette Esther Bachelor of Science (Economics, Statistics, Computer Science, Mathematics) 2018 2022
Gwahaba Richard Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2017 2022
Geofrey Welishe Bachelor of Agriculture 2018 2022
Kibirige Enock Bachelor of Agriculture 2018 2022
Kaitesi Jane Frances Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2018 2022
Okwakunda Angella Bachelor of Social Work and Social Administration 2018 2022
Namale Gerladine Cathy Bachelor of Procurement and Supply Chain Management 2018 2022
Ssemwanga Bonneventure Bachelor of Arts with Education (Secondary) 2018 2022
Kasibante Rodgers Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2018 2022
Ebong Haron Moses Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2017 2022
Mutwalume Emmanuel Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2017 2022
Mkumba Kulwa Mussa Bachelor of Science in Information Technology 2018 2021
Natukunda Moreen Master of Business Administration 2018 2022
Wamuyu Beatrice Master of Science in Agro-Ecology 2019 2022
Okello Julius Bachelor of Arts in Democracy and Development Studies 2016 2022
Tumusiime John Baptist Master of Public Health Population and Reproductive Health 2017 2022
Ndyamwijuka Charles Master of Science in Monitoring and Evaluation 2018 2022
Opong George Master of Public Health Health Promotion 2015 2022
Kakeeto Dominic Savio Advanced Diploma in Health Service Management 2009 2010
Kakeeto Dominic Savio Masters Public Health Reproductive Health 2019 2022
Katuramu Anitah Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2015 2022

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