Name Course Admission Graduation
Kunja Abdallah Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2016 2021
Adrabo Richard Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2015 2019
Mugisha Moses Okwera Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2017 2021
Uwizeye Davis Master of Arts in Development Studies 2016 2019
Kapupa Charles Lwanga Master of Arts in Development Studies 2014 2017
Gemi Ruth Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2018 2021
Ndagire Ann Dorothy Diploma in Computer Science and Information Technology 2015 2017
Koma Simon Fidel Bachelor of Arts in Microfinance and Community Development 2013 2018
Talemwa Coleb Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2011 2016
Kobusinge Scovia Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2018 2021
Tumwesigire Sam Masters in Development Studies 2016 2019
Namyalo Joan Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2017 2021
Birungi David Bachelor of Arts in Ethics and Development Studies 2011 2015
Mulokwa Vicky Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2012 2018
Mugisa Benjamin Diploma in Local Governance and Human Rights 2014 2016
Nalusiba Harriet Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2018 2021
Mutesi Joan Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2018 2021
Naiwa Eria Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2013 2016
Nangayi Peter Masaba Master of Business Administration 2013 2016
Nabbona Claire Bachelor of Education with Agriculture 2016 2019
Akol Asher Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2012 2016
Kasozi Grace James Diploma in Education (Primary) 2013 2016
Kasirye Lincon Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2015 2017
Okwera Robert Master of Science in Information Systems 2010 2016
Namuyanja Anitah Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2013 2016
Clark Joshua Brianwong Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2018 2021
Loumo Lamech Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance 2014 2019
Sseguya Muwonge Trevor Bachelor of Science in Financial Mathematics 2013 2016
Ssemwanga Kivumbi Christopher Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2012 2017
Nakanjako Anna Bachelor of Arts with Education (Secondary) 2018 2022

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