Name Course Admission Graduation
Ssenkumba Matia Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration and Management 2018 2022
Walugembe Jude Thaddeo Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2018 2022
Ddangi Lawrence Diploma in Education (Primary) 2017 2022
Wabuyiwa Nicholas Bachelor of Agriculture 2016 2022
Lekuru Annet Bachelor of Arts in Local Governance and Human Rights 2017 2022
Nalukwago Annet Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2018 2022
Twesigye Leo Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2018 2022
Lugo Mbaaga Tuzinde Diploma in Education (Primary) 2018 2022
Ozaangu Born Harmony Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2016 2022
Awino Naume Constance Master of Business Administration 2016 2022
Naggayi Florence Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2018 2022
Kamugisha Geoffrey Master of Education Administration and Management 2017 2022
Nnannyanzi Ivy Master of Arts in Diplomacy and International Studies 2019 2022
Mwebaze Martin Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2018 2022
Apolot Grace Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2018 2022
Mugabi James Jonathan Master of Business Administration 2016 2022
Najjuma Maria Master of Business Administration 2017 2022
Kyosaba Mary Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2018 2022
Kandi Ntakobajira Alfred Bachelor of Science (Economics, Statistics, Computer Science, Mathematics) 2018 2022
Aringo Agnes Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2018 2022
Sekamwa Bendicto Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2018 2022
Namuluta Mary Bachelor of Agriculture 2016 2022
Ndagano Teddy Master of Business Administration 2018 2022
Namata Lilian Master of Business Administration 2018 2022
Nantaba Agnes Diploma in Transformative Education and Faith 2018 2022
Khayitsa Anna Rose Diploma in Transformative Education and Faith 2018 2022
Byomugabe Clever Bachelor of Arts in Democracy and Development Studies 2017 2022
Edweu Nimilod Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2017 2022
Ainembabazi Brian Bachelor of Arts in Democracy and Development Studies 2017 2022
Kyanike Abiasali Bachelor of Arts in Democracy and Development Studies 2019 2022

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