Name Course Admission Graduation
Nakisozi Angella Bachelor of Science with Education (Secondary) 2019 2022
Amaro Gloria Bachelor of Science with Education (Secondary) 2019 2022
Ssekyewa Gonzaga Bachelor of Arts with Education (Secondary) 2019 2022
Nabachwa Gloria Bachelor of Arts with Education (Secondary) 2019 2022
Ssali Steven Bachelor of Science with Education (Secondary) 2019 2022
Birungi Victoria Bachelor of Science with Education (Secondary) 2019 2022
Nakachwa Rose Mary Bachelor of Arts with Education (Secondary) 2019 2022
Ssekalawa Steven Bachelor of Arts with Education (Secondary) 2019 2022
Akumu Christine Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2018 2022
Apolot Gladys Master of Business Administration 2015 2022
Namata Caroline Higher Education Certificate 2021 2022
Candiru Gatrude Higher Education Certificate 2021 2022
Namale Angella Kawuma Higher Education Certificate 2021 2022
Aparo Josephine Bachelor of Arts in Local Governance and Human Rights 2018 2022
Musene Rebecca Beatrice Master of Science in Monitoring and Evaluation 2018 2022
Amanya Godwin Higher Education Certificate 2021 2022
Drabua Robert Master of Science in Agro-Ecology 2018 2022
Yada Simeo Master of Science in Agro-Ecology 2018 2022
Lubinga Geoffrey Master of Science in Agro-Ecology 2018 2022
Yada Simeo Bachelor of Agriculture 2011 2015
Agaba Robert Bachelor of Arts in Democracy and Development Studies 2018 2022
Sendegeya Micheal Diploma in Democracy and Development Studies 2018 2022
Mukobe Mark Muwanguzi Bachelor of Arts in Ethics and Development Studies 2016 2022
Hassan Joseph Bachelor of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management 2018 2022
Orom Henry Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2017 2022
Emong Joseph Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2017 2021
Bunia Lily Andama Bachelor of Arts in Local Governance and Human Rights 2017 2022
Odongpiny Jordan Jacob Master of Refugee and Migration Studies 2015 2022
Bizimana Xavier Master of Arts in Development Studies 2017 2022
Abdirashid Mohamed Hussein Bachelor of Science (Economics, Statistics, Computer Science, Mathematics) 2019 2022

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