Name Course Admission Graduation
Akanyo Linda Bachelor of Social Work and Social Administration 2019 2022
Kyokusiima Brenda Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2019 2022
Akatukwasa Marion Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2019 2022
Kalule Emmanuel Bachelor of Procurement and Supply Chain Management 2019 2022
Kalikoka Kennedy Diploma in Education (Primary) 2015 2018
Kalikoka Kennedy Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2019 2022
Lubega George Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2019 2022
Namukasa Sylivia Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2019 2022
Katana Perepetwa Master of Business Administration 2018 2022
Mayeku Catherine Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2018 2022
Timbisiimirwa Julie Bachelor of Inclusive Deaf Education 2019 2022
Nalubwama Patricia Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2016 2022
Nakagoma Dorothy Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2019 2022
Atim Molly Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2018 2022
Wobusobozi Rogers Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2017 2022
Batte Gonza Diploma in Education (Primary) 2017 2022
Kabugho Specioza Master of Education 2016 2022
Ochen Charles New Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2015 2022
Tushemereirwe Mollen Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance 2020 2022
Nakayaga Mastulah Bachelor of Agriculture 2018 2022
Tusuubira Gloria Bachelor of Arts with Education (Secondary) 2019 2022
Kamunya Lilian Bachelor of Science in Computer Science 2019 2022
Andayo Margaret Bachelor of Arts in Democracy and Development Studies 2012 2022
Matovu Francis Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2019 2022
Busingye Nicola Master of Business Administration 2017 2022
Namukasa Sarah Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2019 2022
Iwala Sharon Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2017 2022
Abalo Christine Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2018 2022
Nassaazi Annet Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2019 2022
Nakakawa Josephine Maters of Science in Health Services Management 2019 2022

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