Name Course Admission Graduation
Sematimba Wilson Postgraduate Diploma in Education 2022 2023
Omach Thomas Bachelor of Arts in Microfinance and Community Development 2018 2023
Akao Sarah Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2019 2023
Namaganda Maria Bachelor of Social Work and Social Administration 2020 2023
Irumba Emmanuel Master of Business Administration 2018 2023
Nampijja Angella Bachelor of Inclusive Deaf Education 2020 2023
Kyambadde Tonny Master of Science in Agro-Ecology 2020 2023
Kalanzi Remegious Master of Science in Monitoring and Evaluation 2020 2023
Sebugwawo Benard Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance 2021 2023
Tumwebaze Bob Anthony Master of Business Administration 2019 2023
Opio Martine Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2019 2023
Nagudi Jennipher Master of Education Administration and Management 2020 2023
Zziwa Jackson Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2019 2023
Busingye Josephine Master of Science in Monitoring and Evaluation 2019 2023
Tunde Emmanuel Bachelor of Agriculture 2019 2023
Mpaata Andrew Bachelor of Agriculture 2019 2023
Monchari Nancy Diploma in Education (Primary) 2020 2023
Kaggwa John Basabose Master of Public Health Population and Reproductive Health 2017 2023
Ali Ronald Master of Business Administration 2017 2023
Iyer Elizabeth Bachelor of Arts with Education (Secondary) 2019 2023
Onyeba Chuma Stephen Bachelor of Law 2019 2023
Kisira Stephen Mukunya Entreprenuership for Impact Master of Business Administration 2021 2023
Nakato Betty Diploma in Education (Primary) 2020 2023
Mugabi Nelson Entreprenuership for Impact Master of Business Administration 2021 2023
Ereu Ochuga Samuel Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2019 2023
Muwangala John Mark Entreprenuership for Impact Master of Business Administration 2021 2023
Wakitinisa Mary Sylvia Master of Science in Development Economics 2018 2023
Namusisi Florence Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2020 2023
Thembo Eriab Master of Education 2014 2023
Achieng Regina Master of Education Administration and Management 2020 2023

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