Name Course Admission Graduation
Lukanga Fulgence Marcel Master of Science in Information Systems 2018 2022
Nam Fidelis Omara Maters of Science in Health Services Management 2017 2022
Abbas Taban Abraham Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2018 2022
Bongomin Gabriel Diploma in Education (Primary) 2019 2022
Ssabayinda Aloysius Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2019 2022
Ocaatum Deborah Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2018 2022
Onek Paul Master of Science in Monitoring and Evaluation 2019 2022
Ngarire Mary Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2019 2022
Nakabiri Berna Diploma in Education (Primary) 2019 2019
Mufungizi Patricia Bachelor of Arts in Microfinance and Community Development 2018 2022
Atwan Biva Maria Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2019 2022
Namugerwa Irene Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2018 2022
Komugisha Sarah Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2019 2022
Wamala Aron Bachelor of Agriculture 2018 2022
Ayebale Everlyne Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2017 2022
Najjemba Caroline Bachelor of Science in Information Technology 2019 2022
Nakibuuka Merlene Mv Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2019 2022
Ssensula Morris Morgan Bachelor of Science in Information Technology 2019 2022
Atukwatse Nestor Master of Science in Monitoring and Evaluation 2018 2022
Achola Maureen Dorothy Bachelor of Science in Economics and Statistics 2019 2022
Nankindu Sharon Diploma in Primary Education 2019 2022
Nakazibwe Lorna Moira Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2019 2022
Nalubega Grace Diploma in Education (Primary) 2019 2022
Wabwire Moses Diploma in Education (Primary) 2019 2022
Nankindu Sharon Diploma in Primary Education 2019 2022
Lubega Byron Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance 2021 2022
Nakkazi Babra Harriet Bachelor of Science in Information Technology 2019 2022
Matovu Amos Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2018 2022
Atuheire Phionah Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2018 2022
Nyakairu Audrey Bachelor of Science in Information Technology 2019 2022

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