Name Course Admission Graduation
Mukiiza Emmanuel Master of Arts in Education and Development 2016 2022
Ssekyoga Lawrence Master of Education 2018 2022
Opio Robin Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2017 2022
Tumusiime Simon Peter Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2018 2022
Matthew Katongole Bachelor of Arts English Language and Literature (Secondary) 2018 2022
Biryomumaisho Johnson Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2013 2022
Oyella Florence Otim Master of Medicine in Paediatrics and Child Health 2016 2022
Juliet Kabugho Diploma in Transformative Education and Faith 2019 2022
Canungio Alice Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2018 2022
Enyipu Augustine Doctor of Philosophy in Selected Fields 2012 2022
Tumwesigye Mark Phillip Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2018 2022
Ssenngendo Jude Thaddeus Bachelor of Arts with Education (Secondary) 2018 2022
Kisembo Sarah Diploma in Education (Primary) 2016 2016
Lotukei Erick Bachelor of Arts in Democracy and Development Studies 2016 2022
Kemigisa Clare Bachelor of Arts with Education (Secondary) 2018 2022
Kinaalwa Geoffrey Ssemakula Master of Business Administration 2017 2021
Bahati Joan Bachelor of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management 2018 2022
Gimei Arthur Master of Business Administration 2016 2022
Kembabazi Patience Hildah Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2018 2022
Guma Godfrey Bachelor of Arts with Education (Secondary) 2018 2022
Mwanje Kenedy Bachelor of Arts with Education (Secondary) 2018 2022
Kirungi Richard Bachelor of Agriculture 2018 2022
Akankwatsa Jeninah Bachelor of Agriculture 2018 2022
Nantongo Dianah Bachelor of Procurement and Supply Chain Management 2018 2022
Nanyonjo Cissy Bachelor of Agriculture 2018 2022
Tabaaro Godfrey Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2017 2022
Mugerwa Matia Master of Science in Agro-Ecology 2018 2022
Nkata Jonathan Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance 2017 2022
Acen Prisca Meron Bachelor of Arts with Education (Secondary) 2018 2022
Twinomukama Fortunate Bachelor of Arts with Education (Secondary) 2018 2022

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