Name Course Admission Graduation
Mayiyi Dan Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2018 2022
Akello Eunice Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2018 2022
Edomasia Claudia Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2018 2022
Wodeje Michael Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2018 2022
Okot Hillary Ben Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2018 2022
Okello Denish Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2018 2022
Muyingo Marvin Sentongo Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2018 2022
Ayesiga Mukama Edmund Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2018 2022
Opiyo Richard Akera Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2018 2022
Miiro Godfrey Bachelor of Agriculture 2018 2022
Charles Ssembalirwa Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2018 2022
Phomaho Robert Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2018 2022
Nalugo Maliyati Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2018 2022
Odongo Patrick George Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2018 2022
Atuhaire Judith Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2018 2022
Senyonga John Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2018 2022
Olupot Michael Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2018 2022
Ogole Patrick Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2017 2022
Okullu Moses Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2018 2022
Musau Collins Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2018 2022
Acut Moses Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2018 2022
Obot Benard Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2018 2022
Amanyabyona Assumpta Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2018 2022
Akwech Geoffrey Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2018 2022
Omedi Samuel Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2018 2022
Aisu Tom Peter Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2018 2022
Idoni Charles Kenyi Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2018 2022
Bigabwa Anna Asiimwe Master of Arts in International Trade, Policy and Law 2014 2022
Ofwono Godfrey Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2018 2022
Achoroi Paul Master of Arts in Local Governance and Human Rights 2018 2022

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