Name Course Admission Graduation
Alinde Agnes Bachelor of Public Health - Health Promotion 2018 2021
Nakato Kakande Salimat Diploma in Education (Primary) 2019 2022
Mugwanya William Master of Science in Ict Management, Policy and Architectural Design 2017 2021
Nakiyimba Mary Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2018 2022
Kamuntu Flavia Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2018 2022
Wanyana Caroline Master of Science in Monitoring and Evaluation 2018 2022
Nimwesiga Godwin Master of Business Administration 2018 2022
Nakimuli Annette Master of Business Administration 2019 2022
Akello Joyce Bachelor of Arts with Education (Secondary) 2020 2023
Lukyamuzi Martin Master of Business Administration 2019 2024
Okidi Vasco Da Gama Diploma in Education (Primary) 2012 2015
Okello Vincent Emmy Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2019 2024
Nyirazihawe Agness Diploma in Microfinance 2021 2024
Nantege Faridah Master of Business Administration 2018 2024
Agwang Christine Diploma in Education (Primary) 2018 2024
Ojede Victor Master of Business Administration 2013 2015
Nakitto Shalomkitiibwa Higher Education Certificate 2023 2024
Lochamjohn Bosco Bachelor of Agriculture 2019 2023
Chandiga Nelson Bachelor of Agriculture 2019 2022
Mutoni Phausta Bachelor of Inclusive Deaf Education 2020 2023
Akol Salume Diploma in Education (Primary) 2019 2022
Lakal Job Master of Science in Development Economics 2019 2023
Komuhangi Martha Bachelor of Science in Information Technology 2020 2023
Okumu Rogers Bachelor of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management 2018 2023
Ayiko Phillip Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (General) 2015 2023
Mukonyezi Rosemary Bachelor of Agriculture 2013 2018
Gizaw Miheret Aberra Masters of Arts in Microfinance Management 2018 2023
Draru Moureen Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2018 2023
Nam Emmanuel Bachelor of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management 2019 2023
Ayebale Claire Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2020 2023

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