Name Course Admission Graduation
Mubiru Eddie Master of Business Administration 2018 2022
Kusemererwa Bridget Master of Science in Development Economics 2017 2022
Nankuta Dorothy Bachelor of Agriculture 2019 2022
Donia Franca Bachelor of Agriculture 2019 2022
Nankya Sauda Bachelor of Arts with Education (Secondary) 2019 2022
Mugema Richard Bachelor of Arts with Education (Secondary) 2019 2022
Sejjongo Anthony Bachelor of Agriculture 2019 2022
Nakabugo Jackie Bachelor of Arts with Education (Secondary) 2018 2022
Ssenyange Anthony Bachelor of Agriculture 2019 2022
Nansamba Immaculate Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2019 2022
Nakayiki Agnes Bachelor of Social Development and Counselling 2015 2022
Benjamin Masiko Bachelor of Agriculture 2019 2022
Arinaitwe Deborah Bachelor of Education (Primary) 2019 2022
Nankya Marion Wasajja Masters in Educational Administration and Management 2018 2022
Adock Monica Bachelor of Agriculture 2017 2022
Kukundakwe Yvonne Diploma in Transformative Education and Faith 2019 2022
Wamani Richard Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2018 2022
Pande Ben Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2014 2022
Komugisha Ronah Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2018 2022
Namanda Joanitah Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2018 2022
Nalwadda Doreen Master of Business Administration 2018 2022
Akankwasa Solomon Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance 2020 2022
Kajobe Josephine Diploma in Computer Science and Information Technology 2017 2022
Nakeeya Annet Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2019 2022
Muwonge Derick Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2017 2022
Namuli Teopista Bachelor of Business Administration and Management 2017 2022
Ebwongu Joel Edison Bachelor of Science Agriculture 2018 2022
Wamukota Robert Master of Business Administration 2019 2022
Muhangi Babra Bachelor of Science (Economics, Statistics, Computer Science, Mathematics) 2019 2022
Namugambe Rachael Bachelor of Science in Economics and Statistics 2019 2022

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